DripWineOn-surface installation
Pressure compensating
- Precise and equal amounts of water are delivered over a broad pressure range.
- 100 % uniformity of water and nutrients distribution along the laterals.
Continuous self-flushing dripper design
- Flushes debris as it is detected, throughout operation, not just at the beginning or end of a cycle, ensuring uninterrupted dripper operation.
Unique dripper design with:
- Largest filter in each dripper.
- Unique TurboNet™ flow path.
- Widest water passages within the dripper.
Assembled clip for trellising
- Optional, dripperline with a special clip in factory assembled, reduce cost and labor time.
Dripper position within the dripperline
- The water is drawn in to the dripper from the stream center, preventing the entrance of sediments in to the drippers.
UV resistant
- Withstands heat and direct sun.
Flexible installation:
- Attached to the trellising
- On-surface applicatio